Who we are
The European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC) is an association of control bodies and authorities.
In 2000, several control bodies and authorities have seen the need to discuss the implication of European organic regulations on their activities and started informal exchanges. In 2010, they founded EOCC as an international non-profit organisation which now comprises 73 members active all over the world. According to its statutes, EOCC aims “to increase the reliability of control and certification activities and decisions in relation to European organic agriculture”. EOCC acts towards an improvement of the European organic legislation. With its sectoral expertise, EOCC is recognised as a valuable partner at EU-level. We are amongst others member of two Civil dialogue groups of DG Agriculture and rural development and taking part in working parties of DG Health and Food safety. EOCC is registered in the European transparency register under the identification number 755639413555-75.
Our objectives
EOCC aims at increasing the reliability of control and certification activities and decisions in organic agriculture. Its action focusses on four strategic priorities:
Representing the interests of control bodies and authorities towards European institutions, Member States and relevant stakeholders of the organic sector. Adequate, constructive propositions and expertise are the leitmotivs of our action.
Facilitation of the information flow and exchange important information for control bodies, such as fraud cases.
Harmonising of interpretations of the European organic legislation by its members, especially on inspectability of organic agriculture, processing and trade.
Sharing services and developing common methodologies and tools.